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Directions and Accommodation

Directions to Bayreuth

Arrival by plane:

  • To Frankfurt (Main), Munich, or Nuremberg International Airports. Continue to Bayreuth by train or rental car.

Arrival by train:

  • From Frankfurt (Main) airport or main station: ICE high speed train to Nuremberg Hbf, then continue to Bayreuth Hbf with RE regional train (travel time: 3.5 h from airport; 3 h from main station)
  • From Munich central station: ICE high speed train to Nuremberg Hbf, then continue to Bayreuth Hbf with RE regional train (travel time: 2 h)
  • From Munich airport: Take S1/S8 to Munich Hbf and proceed via ICE high speed train to Nuremberg Hbf, then continue to Bayreuth Hbf with RE regional train (travel time: 3 h)
  • From Nuremberg Central Station: Hourly RE regional train to Bayreuth Hbf (travel time: 1 h).
  • From Nuremberg airport: Take U1/U2/3 to Nuremberg Hbf and proceed via RE regional train to Bayreuth Hbf (travel time: 1.5 h)

Arrival by car:

  • Highway A9. Take exit „Bayreuth Süd“ and follow the signs to the University. The city center can be reached via both highway exits "Bayreuth Süd" and "Bayreuth Nord".

Directions to the Conference Venue in Bayreuth

Address for navigation systems:
Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth, closest parking at P4; closest info point: 7

Walking distance from downtown approx. 30min, from main station approx. 45min.

Arrival by bus from central bus station (ZOH):
Bus line 306 or 304. Exit the bus at bus stop 'Mensa' or ​'Uni-Verwaltung', closest info point: 7

Lecture hall:
Building NWII, hall H18 and H19

Symposium office:
Building NWII, room S76

Please, follow the BPS'25 signs on Campus. 


Please, make your own hotel reservations with the

Download the official Bayreuth hotel guide:

When booking in a hotel marked with a *, mention that you're attending the BPS'25 conference at the University and ask for a special BPS'25 rate. A city-map is located here.
